Industry News
Find out all the latest information and news on the recruitment industry. Recruiters, it’s your chance to be in the know! If you would like to know information on industry news + updates, please contact us.
Find out all the latest information and news on the recruitment industry. Recruiters, it’s your chance to be in the know! If you would like to know information on industry news + updates, please contact us.
We’re looking at some of 2020's trends for recruitment software in the UK and consider why your company should keep up with these trends. What trends are there for recruitment software in the UK? The top five trends of 2020 for recruitment software in the UK are cloud-based services, GDPR compliance tools, diary and email synchronisation, [...]
Recruiters - Google For Jobs launched in the UK in July 2018 to sort and collect job listings in order to help job seekers find their next position. (Don't forget Chameleon-i users, if you've chosen to activate Spotajob for free - your jobs will automatically be shown on Google For Jobs.) Here's what you should know: 1. [...]
GDPR is a new regulation launching in May 2018 and concerns citizen transactions that happen within the EU. Failure to comply could result in a fine of up to €20 million. The recruitment industry handles masses of personal data every single day. At Chameleon-i, we want to help get your recruitment agency GDPR-ready and have prepared a [...]
GDPR compliance is not just a matter of ticking a few boxes; the Regulation demands that you be able to demonstrate compliance with the data protection principles. In this week's GDPR webinar we did a roundup and overview of what we believe are the most important aspects to be aware of and to consider when making [...]