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Save time with ChiPoster in association with our partner Vacancy Poster

Help maximise your days potential and take advantage of our pre-integrated vacancy posting solution. This integration enables you to post your vacancies quickly to subscribed job boards without having to leave your Chameleon-i account.

Add your vacancy and click the ChiPoster button, this will send the vacancy details through to post on your subscribed job boards.

Applications are returned and displayed in your applicant grid. You can manage the applications with a clear audit trail and have the option to filter the candidates you want to add to your Chameleon-i candidate pool using our flagging system, whilst communicating your decision to the candidate via email.

This 360-degree solution means you never have to leave Chameleon-i to post your jobs and receive applications.

You can view a list of the job boards you can post to here.

To Activate the Vacancy Poster Module
Simply click the ‘Order’ button in the ‘Company’ tab in your ‘Admin’ panel, we will send you an email with further instruction on how to get things set up.
You will be charged £10.00+VAT per user per calendar month for this module.

Please note, you can choose to add this module, to individual members of your agency who post vacancies to job boards.

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