The lockdown market has sent many recruiting agencies into a bit of a tailspin – So many of us thrive on the push-and-pull of office culture and being able to check in with our colleagues. If you’re working from home during the COVID-19 crisis, these are the three best recruitment CRM features for remote recruiters that will help you and your customers right now.
A Fully Supported Messaging System
You could invest in software that focuses on pushing performance tactics, but is that really the best way to support your workforce right now? Many of us are having to cope with significant challenges for their time and their mental health. Keeping your team connected on a human level is more important than keeping productive. Keeping up a level of feedback, support and regular interactions between your staff will keep them connected to each other and means you can nip any problems that develop in the bud as quickly as you could face-to-face.
Access Anytime, Anywhere
Moving your work to the cloud makes perfect business sense and perfect lockdown sense. Not only is it essential that your staff access the software they need wherever they are – in their home office, the living room, out on the patio, on their laptop or on an iPad – but it means they’re all working using the same software. If not, they’ll be using so many different software systems that it’ll be quite impossible for them to work collaboratively on anything.
It’s easy to move your business on to the cloud – you’ll be up and running in a matter of days, with a CRM that’s available 24 hours a day, seven days a week that your recruiters can work with anywhere that has internet connection.
Full Integration
The world is so connected in so many different ways that your agency probably uses a fair number of different websites and social media channels to connect with customers and peers. Do you have a CRM that connects all the tools you need? Does it sync your advert posting tool and show live updates of candidates? Can you build a CV database? Can you connect it to your accounting and timesheet system?
Any recruitment CRM software worth its salt should offer full integration with Facebook, Google Analytics, LinkedIn, Microsoft Outlook, Twitter and WordPress – and that’s just a start!
The Chameleon-i has everything that you need to grow your recruitment business. Secure, fast and fully compatible with Macs, PCs and any smart device, the Chameleon-i is available to download straight away. Whether you need a temporary CRM solution or you need something permanent, contact us on our website to learn more about our 30-day free trial.