Virtual recruitment has become increasingly popular, made possible by technologies such as the candidate relationship management system (CRM). In the absence of in-person communication, it’s essential to gather feedback from candidates throughout the virtual hiring process. CRM systems can help to do this.
Why a candidate relationship management system should gather feedback
– Gathering feedback helps to hire organisations and agencies to learn more about candidates, something that always holds true whether recruitment is virtual or not. This is one of the strengths of a CRM system, building a complete picture of candidates that will be invaluable data relating to the talent pool. Having this complete picture assists with building a good rapport with a candidate, enabling recruiters to provide more targeted and personalised communications.
– Finding out what works well, and not so well, throughout the virtual hiring process is the foundation of improvement. Without candidate feedback, it is not easy to try to fine-tune aspects of the experience which are not working well. Conversely, in the absence of this feedback, it is possible that something that does work well could end up being replaced with something less effective. This is particularly true of any new technologies that might be utilised during virtual recruitment, as you will need to monitor that they are usable, efficient and accessible and are not creating a poor user experience.
– Identifying candidate dissatisfaction provides opportunities to reach out and try to fix the problem. Poor experiences have a habit of becoming common knowledge, spreading quickly by word of mouth and social media. Getting detailed feedback early on can help minimise such problems by working to find a resolution. Candidates can be won over by a great approach to problem resolution – turning problems into opportunities to shine.
– Feedback also helps to identify recurring issues. Gathering feedback from candidates not only helps identify individual problems but helps to spot patterns and problems that repeatedly occur for many candidates. Without sufficient data gathered from candidates regarding their experiences, it would be impossible to identify any indications as to what goes well and what goes badly. The ability to identify trends helps to zero in on anything that has become a real problem.
– Finding out what candidates have to say about the virtual hiring process helps your firm stay ahead of competitors. Recruitment is becoming increasingly competitive and it’s hard to maintain the interest of candidates. Without their feedback it is difficult to provide an unrivalled experience, running the risk of a candidate losing interest and jumping ship to another organisation that uses feedback to provide outstanding service.
Feedback through a candidate relationship management system is invaluable
To conclude, the benefits of gathering candidate feedback on the virtual hiring process show that it is vital to the continued and competitive performance of any recruitment campaign. Getting to know about candidates’ experiences can help shape the services and technologies used throughout the virtual hiring process, allowing any organisation to keep up with the competition.