Where once just three or four applications were received, today it can be thousands.

In this digital age, job applications are often as easy as clicking a link. While this sounds a great idea at first, it means that it is easy to apply for scores of vacancies without much time, effort or commitment.

Relatively unnoticed beneath the rollout of Universal Credit is a huge government endorsement of this computer-mediated employment market. Claimants are now indoctrinated in using computers, smart-phones, online job boards and social media as their primary means of seeking employment. This is despite market research indicating that less than 20% of successful placements are found by those means, but computerised activity is easy to monitor and government departments like that.

Recruitment Tracking Systems

With almost every vacancy now posted online, the problem has changed from finding candidates to qualifying them efficiently. While you were reading the CV in your hand, that candidate could have applied for a dozen more jobs. Where once only major corporations and conglomerates needed a recruitment tracking system in the UK, today they are becoming a necessity for every employer. Here are just five of the benefits.

Identifying serious candidates

One of the most important functions is to scan digital CVs, cover letters and application forms, scoring them for the presence of key words and other essential suitability criteria. Results are stored securely in a database for further processing and future reference, with due allowance for GDPR regulations regarding safe and consensual data storage.

Securing candidates swiftly

Other modules of the solution provide CRM extensions. These allow you to quickly contact applicants by phone, letter or email; book meeting times, personnel and venues; and record statutory milestones such as right to work documentation, data protection consents, or criminal record disclosures. The ability to transfer your successful candidates directly through to your Payroll system is another time-saving advantage.

Performance monitoring

Analytics modules can provide feedback on the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of your head-hunting strategy. By plotting the success of different recruitment avenues in attracting high calibre staff, you can ensure that you are as efficient and competitive in the labour market as you strive to be in your product market.

Long-term resources

Recruitment software doesn’t stop being useful when a vacancy is filled. How well does the placement succeed in the longer term? Are your candidates happy with your recruitment and induction processes? Do they become loyal employees that will stay for years? Only in the longer term can you really evaluate the quality of the candidate and therefore the recruitment avenue by which they came to you. Only by tracking your staff turnover can you anticipate future recruitment and training requirements.

Vacancy posting

Rapid assimilation of your HR requirements is complemented by the ability to quickly re-post or update vacancies. The software stores key documents and job descriptions so you can quickly re-post or update vacancies to agencies, job boards, newspapers or corporate websites.