Did you know you can automatically set up a basket in Chameleon-i so you know when your contacts birthdays are?

This tool automatically gathers your candidates into a daily ‘birthday basket’ based on the their DoB data in the system enabling you to send them a birthday greeting via our bulk email system using a birthday template of your creation.


Simply create a new basket called Birthday 1, the basket will be populated with candidates whose birthday is tomorrow, name it Birthday 2 and it will populate with candidates who’s birthday is in the next 48 hours; Birthday 3 it will be 72 hours etc…

If you share the basket with other Chameleon-i users it will contain candidates belonging to all selected users in your agency. If you don’t share the basket it will simply contain candidates belonging to you.

Remember it’s easy to create great templates in your CMS so have some creative fun and keep in touch the easy way with your Candidates and Clients.

For more information on Chameleon-i speak to us today.