Our recruitment products are the best recruiting software tools to save your company the time, energy and money you would otherwise have to spend on sorting through unqualified candidates. Through these advanced tools, hiring teams can receive proven data to understand each candidate’s ability to fulfil the role through a thorough pre-hiring assessment.
By giving answers to a curated list of questions pertaining to the role and responsibilities and being tested on their areas of expertise, potential candidates can show why they are right for the role for which they are applying in the early stages of the process. Here are three important uses of software tools in employee recruitment:
Candidates can prove themselves early on
Making use of the best recruiting software, such as Chameleon-i, enables hiring teams to create a customised test to fit the role for which they are recruiting. The applicants will all have to take this test when applying for the job, with hiring teams getting better insights into the candidates’ capabilities in this area and an understanding of how well they would perform if given the position.
This will save the time, effort and money spent on unqualified candidates, as those who do not perform well will be disqualified from the process. This means that only those who have proven their ability to fulfil the role will make it through to the next round of screening.
Biased recruiting decisions are significantly reduced
People can make biased decisions, especially when meeting candidates for the first time. Hiring managers are as vulnerable to this as anyone else and may look for candidates who look or act a certain way, perhaps based on their intuition, past life experiences or social conditioning.
Judging someone at first glance is not always the best way to discover the right candidate for the position for which you are hiring, which is where pre-screening talent assessment tools come in handy. A hiring team can see the value of a candidate’s work prior to meeting them, which can quickly reduce the biased first-glance judgment of a candidate. This can lead to hiring a candidate who will perform well rather than a candidate who is not a good fit but is great at interviewing.
Reduce fill time and recruiting costs and keep employees for longer
By using employee recruitment software tools, hiring teams can focus on candidates with the most potential and weed out unqualified candidates more easily. The right candidates tend to stay longer in the business, as the hiring process gives a taste of the type of work they will be doing once hired. Hiring the right candidate the first time avoids having to go through the time, effort and energy of restarting the recruitment process after learning that the initial hire is not the right fit.