Increase in demand and use of social media recruiting tools
Social media use has become increasingly popular in society in recent years with over half the world now estimated to be using social media and social networks. Sites and apps such as Twitter, Facebook and Instagram have become part of our daily lives so it’s no wonder that recruiters have started to use social media in order to attract candidates. While recruiters have traditionally focused on LinkedIn, the business and employment networking site, Facebook, Twitter and other social media are now also commonly and effectively used to recruit employees.
Benefits of social media recruiting tools
There are often reduced costs involved in using social media recruiting methods. Recruitment processes can be very expensive, and although recruitment using social media and networks can still be a costly undertaking, it usually offers excellent value for money. Social networks are free to join, direct messaging is usually free and an advertisement on Facebook, for example, can reach many more potential candidates than a regular classified ad.
One major benefit of recruiting via social networks and social media is that job ads can be targeted to specific groups of people. Facebook ads allow geographic and demographic targeting and enable your ad to be shown to the specific people you want to reach. On LinkedIn, job postings can be shared to industry-specific groups. Using specific hashtags on Twitter also allows your job ads to show to a relevant audience.
As well as targeting candidates in the correct industry, geographical area and demographic, using social media recruitment tools can attract high quality candidates, including tech-savvy candidates who are familiar with the importance of social media, marketing and networking. Whereas advertising in traditional ways will reach only those looking for a job, using social media recruitment tools will appeal to both active and passive job seekers. Many high quality candidates may already be in employment but could be attracted by a social media ad if it is appealing to them.
Using social media increases visibility and brand awareness, meaning that everyone can see your agency for free. Setting up business pages on LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook is free, easy to do and also encourages active engagement with your business.
Recruiting via social media and social networks can cut the hiring time, meaning companies are able to quickly add to their workforce when required. Some traditional recruitment methods can involve lengthy processes but social media recruitment can enable employment ads to be placed quickly, allows candidates to see them promptly and respond quickly and facilitates straightforward and speedy communication between parties. Because the ads can be targeted, as previously mentioned, it means that businesses may be able to find the ideal candidate in a shorter time making the whole process more effective and efficient.