Do you know about Spotajob? It’s a job board that’s completely free to use.

Check out the reasons why you need to activate Spotajob today:

1. You can list unlimited job vacancies up for free

Recruiters, you can list an unlimited number of vacancies on Spotajob’s job board.

This means more exposure for those vacancies – more eyes equal more applicants.


2. Your vacancies will be listed on Google For Jobs

Google for Jobs and Spotajob

This is important, but first – if you’re not clued up on this, please see our article on 7 things every recruiter should know about Google For Jobs.

Getting your vacancies listed on Google For Jobs means increased visibility for the role and your agency.

With Spotajob,  your roles will automatically be shown at the top of the search engine results page – without you having to do a thing to get it there.


3. You don’t need to be integrated with Chameleon-i to use it…

To activate Spotajob, there’s no need to be integrated with our software. All you need is a Chameleon-i account.

Once activated, to start posting, just tick ‘Load to Spotajob’ on the Vacancy Posting tab in Chameleon-i and your vacancy will be listed.


4. …but if you are integrated with us there are extra benefits!

If your recruitment agency has a Chameleon-i website or integration, the job posting will link directly to your website.

This can help your website SEO and visibility.


5. Get free applications delivered straight into your Chameleon-i recruitment software

Let us make life easy for you! All applications gathered from Spotajob will be delivered straight through to Chameleon-i.


6. Deal with your candidates quickly, ready to submit to clients

We told you it was easy. Once all your candidates are within Chameleon-i, you then have your chance to exactly what you do best – identify the perfect applicants for their perfect roles.


7. Did we mention it’s free to use?

Spotajob screenshot

You are not locked in and you do not have to pay a penny! Spotajob is completely free for your agency to use.


8. You don’t need to hire or be a technical wizard to start using Spotajob

It’s very simple to start using Spotajob. All you need is an Agency logo and your Chameleon-i login.

What are you waiting for?

Activate Spotajob now


If you have any questions about Spotajob, please contact us and we’d be delighted to answer them.