How easy is it to get set-up with Chameleon-i online recruitment software?

2017-07-27T11:48:32+00:002/12/2016|Categories: |

It is extremely easy to get set-up with Chameleon-i. In fact, you really can be up and running instantly. You don't need to download any software and there is no installation or configuration. Once you've signed up and we have checked your details we will send you a unique username and password and you can get started.

What happens after the 30 day free trial?

2016-12-02T10:30:14+00:002/12/2016|Categories: |

At any point during or after the trial you can choose to purchase licence/s for Chameleon-i, which will give you all the functionality of the full product. You can also choose to add additional company wide modules or integrated partner services. We will contact you throughout the trial alerting you to how many days you have [...]

I have just signed up, how do I get started?

2016-12-02T10:27:02+00:002/12/2016|Categories: |

We will send you your username and password, so you can access your Chameleon-i account,  we recommend you book yourself onto our training sessions, which are run every week to help get up and running. We will contact you throughout the trial to help and answer any questions you might have.

Get the APP

Get the Chameleon-i App for iOS or Android so you can look up records,
upload documents and more whilst on the move.

Download it today, search for Chameleoni at the relevant store

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