Use placeholders to personalise your bulk emails

2018-08-14T10:18:17+00:007/11/2017|Categories: Our Software|

Email is an extremely useful and effective means of communication when used correctly. However, we also know that generic emails are often consigned to the trash folder or even worse labeled as spam. One of the ways to avoid this is to personalise your emails. Statistics show that by personalizing your emails they are 26% more likely to be opened. The [...]

GDPR – What Chameleon-i Is Doing in Readiness

2018-07-11T14:12:30+00:002/11/2017|Categories: Industry News, Our Software|

We know that there is a lot of discussion surrounding GDPR, and its potential impact on your business. The changes, penalties and regulations have caused many exaggerated claims to arise and caused significant worry to business owners. Here at Chameleon-i we are taking our obligations very seriously and are implementing a program that will assist our users [...]

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